The website www.luthiermusica.com is owned by Alicia Alcalay Rosés, with CIF / DNI 37650454Y and located at Calle de Balmes 53, Pral., 08007 Barcelona, with the phone number: +34 933232246 and e-mail: escola@casaluthier.com

It corresponds to said company the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation on the web, graphic design and CODES in ANY form and, especially, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and modification.
The website www.luthiermusica.com aims to facilitate information of the company, the activities it carries out and the services it provides to the general public. The owner reserves herself the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, changes to the information contained on her website.
The owner is not responsible for the consequences, damages or losses arising from access to the website, the use made of the information it explains or access to other materials on the Internet that is made through its links.
Conditions for partial reproduction

- Expressly cited as a source of information.
– Reproduction is done in order to obtain the information contained and not for commercial purposes or for any use other than individual or private.
– That no content included in THIS website is modified in any way.
– That no item available on THIS website be used, copied or distributed separately from the text or other content that accompanies it.
– That it be previously communicated, in writing and in a reliable manner, to the owner, that the certified authorization of the company be obtained for THIS reproduction.
– That the elements reproduced are not subsequently transferred to third parties or are installed on a server connected to the Internet or a local network.
Liability with Links

The function of the links that appear on this page are for informational purposes only. The owner rejects the responsibility for the information contained in these web pages. Any references that are made on the website of www.luthiermusica.com, to ANY product, service, process, link, hypertext or ANY other information using the brand, the commercial name or the manufacturer or supplier, which are the ownership of THIRD PARTIES does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by the School.
Security responsibility

The owner is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur from using versions of browsers not updated, or the consequences that may arise from the malfunction of the browser, either by improper configuration, presence of computer viruses or any another cause outside the school.
Responsibility for the contents of the web

The owner rejects the responsibility arising from the inadequate use of the contents and reserves the right to update them at any time, to eliminate them, limit them or prevent access to THEM, temporarily or permanently.
The owner rejects the responsibility on ANY information not contained in these web pages and, therefore, not elaborated by Alicia Alcalay Rosés or not published with her name.
The owner is not responsible for any discrepancies that may arise between the version of her printed documents and the electronic version of the SAME published on this website.
The owner is not responsible for the use that minors make of the web. The owner is not responsible for the contents of the website to hurt the sensitivity of minors. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure the CORRECT use of the tool as Internet and accompany the children in their sessions.

www.luthierdansa.com is committed to maintaining the CONFIDENTIALITY of the data of our users and visitors and complying with all the legal requirements in force.
In accordance with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) of April 27, 2016, the owner of the Escola Luthier de Música i Dansa undertakes to comply with the obligation of secrecy of personal data, its must keep them and take the necessary measures to avoid alterations, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account at all times the state of the technology.

 In consequence:
-The data collected through forms, emails or other means will be used solely and exclusively for the purposes indicated in the form that the user FILLS.

-We will not yield to THIRD PARTIES nor sell or share user data.
-We will not contact any user EXCEPT that is strictly necessary for a required service.

-You have the right to obtain the information of this data, rectification, cancellation and OPPOSITION, sending us an e-mail to escola@casaluthier.com